As for the rest of the United States, the state with (by far) the most, Bald Eagles is Alaska. Just how many live in the last frontier? Around 30,000! In fact, Bald Eagles are so numerous in the last frontier, they are considered pests in some communities. Take a look at this vi...
The last two states, Alaska and Hawaii, were not admitted to the Union until 1959. Due to Alaska’s massive size, dispersed population, and difficult environment to live in, it took a significantly longer time for this territory to reach the minimum number of occupants to become a state. G...
As for the rest of the United States, the state with (by far) the most, Bald Eagles is Alaska. Just how many live in the last frontier? Around 30,000! In fact, Bald Eagles are so numerous in the last frontier, they are considered pests in some communities. Take a look at this vi...
A million bucks might not be what it once was, but it's still more money than many will see in their entire lifetime. But just how many millionaires are in South Dakota anyway? A recent study has the results and the answer may surprise you. The study (conducted by the Wall Street Jo...
As for the rest of the United States, the state with (by far) the most, Bald Eagles is Alaska. Just how many live in the last frontier? Around 30,000! In fact, Bald Eagles are so numerous in the last frontier, they are considered pests in some communities. Take a look at this vi...
A million bucks might not be what it once was, but it's still more money than many will see in their entire lifetime. But just how many millionaires are in South Dakota anyway? A recent study has the results and the answer may surprise you. ...
I’ve been grilling salmon for more than a decade and am lucky enough to live in Alaska where we can catch our own sockeye. I bring that up because contrary to popular belief, starting skin side up on the grill consistently produces better results that skin side down, especially when grill...
The first step to budgeting is knowing how much money is coming in and how much is going out.Carla Dearing, CEO of Velo Group, says many of us have no idea how much our expenses are each month. “When you know where your money goes, you are in control and can be thoughtful about ...
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The case, filed in state court on Wednesday, alleges that Erie County, in the northwestern corner of the state, has sent wrong ballots to a few hundred voters and that thousands of people — and potentially many more — have not yet received their ballots. ...