faithful American Patriots tend to love Big Dick, but those on the Left, oftentimes referred to as “The Loony Left” typically are envious of Big Dick and so they feel contempt toward Big Dick because Big Dick doesn’t always see eye to eye with Lefty Liberals. Quite the contrary. A Gr...
At a recent company retreat, a colleague and I were nerding out (as is our wont) and debating a question: Just how many elected officials are there in the United States in total? It's an easy question to start answering—you begin with the president and vice...
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Liberals did suspend UNRWA funding in January, butliftedthe “temporary pause” on March 8. Speaking out of both sides of its mouth on a contentious matter, as usual. Meanwhile, the Israel Defense Forcesuncoveredwhat the Times of Israel described on Feb. ...
“Many Latinos are going to Trompito Land, fool,” he told a caller during the podcast taping I attended, using a diminutive — Little Trump — uttered by the former president’s Latino haters that Tejada has reappropriated as a loving moniker. His patter — fast, outraged, informed ...
Successful technocrats sometimes sneer at others’ failure to get with the program. Though many affluent liberals have compassion for poor folks, others lean into the myth of the meritocracy to rationalize their wealth, glossing over the intrinsic inequality of a meritocracy in which, by definition...
Likely, you’re somewhere in the middle. We each occupy a place on both the liberal-conservative, left-right spectrum and the ideologue-pragmatist dimension that intersects it (like the “Y-axis” for math nerds.) Many Canadians are liberal-minded ideologues. Others ar...
The liberals in the Middle East never had a chance. This is not because the people of the region are radical; it is because if you are offered either bread and security or the concept of democracy, the choice is not difficult. — Tim Marshall 60 I think Russians today have a distorted...
The three dissenting liberals on the court said, in essence, don’t be fooled. “No one,” they said, “should be confident that this majority is done with its work.” 法庭上的三位持不同意见的自由主义者实质上表示,不要上当。他们说,“不要相信这个多数派会到此为止。” ...
need to begin challenging the victim mentality liberals push on millennials. As I write in my brand new book, “101 things All Young Adults Should Know,“Don’t ever feel sorry for yourself. Don’t ever seek pity from other people. Don’t ever play the victim, even if you are one. ...
Since Jo Grimond essentially founded the modern Liberal party, the electoral fortunes of Labour and the Liberals have generally been pretty closely correlated. This is a long-winded way of answering a recurring reader question about what strategy I think the Lib Dems should pursue. In some ways,...