standards,theresnoreasonwhyyoucantachieveworld-beatingresults.Manyhit recordshavebeenproducedinpeoplesbedroomsandbackrooms,andyoudontneed millionsofdollarstot-justalittleknowledge,common-sense,andagoodsetof ears. Ihope-asalways-thatpeoplefindthisinterestingandinformative. Copyright©2004DreampointDesignandEngineerin...
You should open as many doors as possible as soon as the round starts. Opening doors will help you survive and navigate the area. Avoid getting stuck on doors since you can open them and get pushed into the corner. Know where you went previously, so you won't waste time backtracking...
Focus on things that you can control, and the time frames in which you can control them. Most brands will set annual plans and then execute against those, but forecasting that far ahead in an unpredictable world is difficult. There are just too many variables at ...
the use of coded language has mostly disappeared. “People are so fucking stupid,” he says. “The texts spelling out what drugs they sell, I’ve seen so many of them!