Greens/Lettuce: 5-6 plants per personMelons: 2-3 plants per personOnions: 15-20 plants per personPeas: 10-20 plants per personPeppers: 3-5 plants per personPotatoes: 15-20 plants per personRadishes: 20-30 plants per person Squashes: 2-3 plants per person...
Garlicandonionsproduce an odor that repels many pests. Planting them close to strawberries can reduce the chance of plants being feasted on. Lettuceandspinachinterplanted with strawberries can enhance the productivity of all three plants. Additionally, the leaves can help to hide the fruits from bi...
Plant garlic with beets, cabbage and cabbage family plants, chamomile, lettuce, strawberries, summer savory, and tomatoes. Avoid planting garlic with beans or peas. Do not plant garlic in the same bed after onion family crops. Container growing garlic ...
How To Grow Peppers How To Grow Broccoli How To Grow Carrots How To Grow Beans How To Grow Corn How To Grow Peas How To Grow Lettuce How To Grow Cucumbers How To Grow Zucchini and Summer Squash How To Grow Onions How To Grow Potatoes ...
Lettuce Watermelon Drink even before you feel thirsty "I often remind my clients that by the time you feel thirsty, your body is already dehydrated," LeBlanc says. That can lead to health effects like headaches and fatigue. So, whether you're at the beach, doing yardwork or even just ...
Many people prefer to "sleep cold," and they don't mind turning down the thermostat into the low 60s or mid-50s at night. Some even like to turn off the heat entirely in the bedroom and sleep with a window open. Those who are comfortable dialing back this dramatically are able to red...
a popular activity that just about anyone can enjoy. Using specific methods, individuals with limited mobility or who are disabled can care for plants. Accessible gardens, such as raised beds, offer a chance for those who are wheelchair bound to enjoy the many pleasures of tending to plants. ...
So when I moved to California and starting expanding my fruit and vegetable repertoire (not a difficult task, when my chosen produce at the time consisted of apples, berries, and iceberg lettuce), what could be tastier, I thought, than the inside filling of a cookie fruited cake. Bleh. ...
Or perhaps you’ve wondered this as someone who lives in the US or has traveled there and noticed that the tomatoes, onions, lettuce and apples in the US seem to be larger, glossier and more perfectly uniform than in some other Asian countries. ...
barren trunks. The sun shines in under the high leaf canopy. Light-shade conditions also exist on the east or west side of a wall or building. Here you can grow many shade-loving plants as well as shade-tolerant plants, which are sun lovers capable of growing moderately well in light ...