Question: How many tons is 4000 pounds? Weight Conversions in Math When you work with numbers, it is important to know how to convert one measurement to another. Two people may be talking about the same amount and not even know it. If someone is talking about tons and someone else is ...
Question: 9 tons equals how many pounds? Converting Units of Mass In the United States, we use units such as ounces, pounds, and tons to measure mass. Changing, or converting, among these units can be done easily if you know how they compare to each other in size. ...
How many pounds are in 3.5 kg? Pound: The pound is a measurement of weight in the imperial measurement system and kilograms are part of the metric measurement system. Technically, kilograms are a measurement of mass rather than weight but on Earth, they can be used interchangeably. Answer and...
If one kilometer is equal to 0.6 miles, how many kilometers would you have traveled if you have traveled 42 miles? Answer and Explanation: Learn more about this topic: Arithmetic with Decimal Numbers from Chapter 3/ Lesson 3 54K Depending upon the op...
This is how many calories you need to burn to lose 1 pound of body fat, according to science. To burn fat, you need a calorie deficit.
Fruit, vegetables, grains, many processed foods/drinks, and seemingly everything you obsessively craved if you’ve ever tried a low-carb diet. How much do I need? It depends. Technically, you can live on zero carbs. But, bodybuilders or endurance athletes have consumed 700+ grams per day...
I mean if one cow can provide me with meat for a year or so (totally guessing but I’ll eat more beef if necessary to prove myself right), how many bugs is that and where are they going to be raised? How big will the bug farms have to be?
The truth is, a lot of what our culture calls “healthy” is really based on appearance.True health has nothing to do with what your body looks like, how many hours you exercise per week, or what you body fat percentage is. How do so many of us end up spending weeks, months, and...
The logic behind this method of cardio is that the alternating high and low intensity periods keep your body in a "fat-burning mode" and not burning carbohydrates or protein for energy. Many tests have been done to test the effectiveness with HIIT, and most show that HIIT burns fat up to...
How many calories will he/she need to continue losing weight? With a new body weight, the calculations will be slightly different, and the calorie intake will need to be adjusted for the new body weight of 190lbs. To continue losing weight at 190lbs, the calorie intake should be: ...