If I am planning big plates of pasta with sauce and perhaps an Italian sausage along with bread, spaghetti is considered the main course. I plan on 3-4 ounces of uncooked spaghetti per person adjusted to the diners. If spaghetti is just one of many options in a buffet style dinner, I ...
Try using an app or calculator that tracks your total calories, like myfitnesspal. You can input your start weight, as well as your goal weight and how many pounds per week you’d like to lose. The app will give you a recommended daily calorie intake and can provide a good tool for ...
For example, inadequate protein during a calorie deficit will cause you to lose muscle. Inadequate fat intake will negatively impact many of the hormones that help your continued weight loss. And inadequate carbohydrate intake can negatively impact training performance in many instances. So, while you...
Prepare certain things in bulk so that you have them for the week, something like braised lima beans or lentils, which can be used later in many recipes. “If you store them in their own cooking liquid in an airtight container in the fridge, they have a surprisingly long shel...
Make sure you are avoiding all Junk food. This is crucial. You need to rid your house of all fried, fatty, sugary, foods. Stay away from those high caloric, high sugar drinks. If you are consuming too many of these then you are not going to see results. ...
[Note from Tim:Many of you know that I consume some legumes and beans. Normal cooking will reduce anti-nutrients in both, but, when possible, I also soak them overnight beforehand in water with a tablespoon of baking soda. Soaking for 24 hours at room temperature has been shown to remov...
There are several meals plans available online and even services that offer personalized plans for YOU. At the end of the day, there are so many resources available online so, if you need help, you will surely find it! Q. Is Ketosis Safe For Your Body? How Long Should A Person Follow...
I don’t know many American families, blessed with children, who DO NOT at some point serve up a dish or two of Macaroni and Cheese (and this is the bottom of the rung brand in sophistication, taste and price). To top that off, for shits and giggles, let’s say that your 14 year...
. There are many different ways to calculate BMR, but if you’re not severely overweight or underweight I recommend just multiplying your current weight by 16. This is roughly how many calories you eat in a day. For example, I currently weigh about 215 lbs, so my BMR is about 3440 ...
WH has previously reported on the many gag-inducing side effects of going keto (constipation and diarrhea and hair loss, oh my!), and the potential downsides of IF, which include low blood sugar, fatigue, nausea, and being just plain hangry all the time. ...