Languages which to be extinct Ever hear someone speak Udihe, Eyak or Arikapu Odds are you never will. Among the world’s 6,800 languages, half to 90 percent could be extinct by the end of the century. One reason is that half of all languages are spoken by fewer than 2,500 people ...
Ireland, the Emerald Isle, also claims English as its official language, although Gaelic is still widely spoken. Across the globe, we have South Africa, where English is one of the official languages along with several others. Heading back to the Americas, Jamaica and Bar...
A dialect is any specific form of a language. In English, there are many dialects, including ones spoken by many people (Standard American English, for instance) and ones spoken by smaller groups (like Newfoundland English). In some cases, two distinct languages may be very similar, like ...
Indonesia has 707, Nigeria 517, India 447, and China 302 languages. The United States comes in at number 9, with 219 spoken languages in the country. In which countries is “por favor” in common use? Spanish is an official language in 20 different countries. It’s of course not ...
How many languages are spoken in the European Union? What are the devolved powers of the Scottish Parliament? How many countries does the River Thames flow through? How many types of government are there in the world? How many countries in Africa are in the United Nations?
Yet if the study of a foreign language is to be up to date its phonetics cannot be neglected; on the contrary, it is as important as the study of its spelling, if not more so. With the invention of radio and telephone, of gramophone and tape-recorders, the importance of the spoken ...
Valentine’s Day is incredibly important in Nigeria, and they never miss the opportunity to say “Mo ni fẹ́ rẹ”. They make sure the first thing they do in the morning says ‘Happy Valentine’ and white, red and pink decorations cover the streets. Here it is traditional to bake...
💼 Can a foreigner open a bank account in the UK? Foreigners can open a traditional bank account in the UK as long as they have proof of the address, which sometimes it's hard to get. The good news is that there are companies like Monzo or Monese which offer UK bank accounts even...
But interestingly, while 53.96% is the global average share of mobile website traffic, this figure varies from country to country. For example in Nigeria, a whopping 83.5% of website traffic comes from mobile. While in Denmark, only 27.4% of website traffic happens on mobile devices. In th...
You're probably out of all the entrepreneurs I've spoken to over 100 entrepreneurs you're probably the one that's closest to "The 4-hour Workweek" dream that everyone ... Patrick: I definitely tried it. It's a great book. I've tried it. I think 4 hours is just not enough for ...