4.3 How Language Shapes the Way We Think - 课件
Languagecanprofoundlyshapethewaywe think,anditdoessoinavarietyofways. üLinguisticdiversityrevealshowingeniousand flexiblethehumanmindis. üManylanguagesaredisappearing. üExistingknowledgeabouthumanmindand humanbrainisnarrowandbiased. I.QuestionsandAnswers 1.AccordingtoBoroditsky,inwhatwayscan languagesdifferfrom...
aBut radio is not disappearing.It is still w___us.And the number of l___is becoming larger. ONe reason for the use of transistor radio. 但收音机不消失。它是寂静的w___us。并且l___is的数量成为更大。 一个原因为对晶体管收音机的使用。[translate] ...
In many parts of the world, grandparents speak a language that their grandchildren do not understand. Because these local languages aren’t taught to children or spoken at home, they are slowly disappearing. A language is said to be in trouble when less than 30 percent of children in the ...
Moreandmorepeoplespeakthethreemostcommonlanguages:English,SpanishandChinese.Inmanypartsoftheworld,grandparentsspeak a languagethattheirgrandchildrendonotunderstand.Becausetheselocallanguagesaren'ttaughttochildrenorspokenathome,theyareslowlydisappearing. A languageissaidtobeintroublewhenlessthan 30 percentofchildreninthe...
Have you ever heard of the term “endangered languages”? Briefly, it is a language at imminent risk of extinction because its speakers are disappearing. For example, the Jingle language spoken in northern Australia has only about 10 speakers left and is therefore endangered. It is the role of...
Of the more than 6,912 languages, half may be in danger of disappearing in the next several decades. It is caused by many reasons: small numbers of speakers, the regular use of other languages, attitudes towards their languages, moving of the younger population, government policies, and ...
How Many Languages Are There in the World? Written by Stephen R. Anderson How Many Languages Are There in the World? The object of inquiry in linguistics is human lan- guage, in particular the extent and limits of diversity in the world’s languages. One might suppose, there- fore, that...
Each language serves as a unique expression of culture, identity and heritage. However, the numbers of speakers of some languages are declining. These endangered languages are at risk of disappearing forever, taking with them centuries of cultural wisdom
Many languages are unique(独一无二的) to a country, although English is the most spoken language around the world by non-native speakers. Non-native speakers are all those who learn a language as their second or foreign language. Did you know that there are over 7,000 languages spoken in...