Paul French solves this seventy-five-year-old murder case. In the process, he paints an unforgettable picture of a Peking that was about to be engulfed in war and occupation, and brings a measure of justice to an innocent young woman and the father who pursu...
" The plot is largely being kept under wraps but appears to follow couple Skarsgård and Coleman, who leave a luxury resort at the lure of the "seductive and mysterious" Gabi (Goth), only to find themselves trapped in "a culture filled with violence, hedonism, and untold horrors." "Poss...
"Blaze was the most logical choice, and I knew that right away," Harris said in a1996 interview, "But, at the same time, we weren't in any kind of rush and we could take our time to explore different possibilities... I hate changes, that's no secret. They are a bad thing, lik...
Saturday Night Fever may not have invented disco, but it brought it to the forefront of pop culture in a way that was "culturally, historically or aesthetically significant," as the Library of Congress noted in 2010 when the movie was selected for preservation in the United States National Fil...
Adrian Smith has written so many songs that are vastly better than “Hooks In You” that it seems a bit pointless to mention it at all. But we must, if only to celebrate the phrase “New ideas for the décor tonight!” Never thought we’d hear Bruce sing that, to be fair. (DL) ...
Still, the aspiring auteur had a couple of writing samples, including early drafts of the films Natural Born Killers and True Romance. Kurtzman was impressed and hired him for the job, paying Tarantino $1,500. It marked the first paid screenwriting gig of the filmmaker’s career. Watch the...
Gremlins 2: The New Batch (1990) has its supporters, and in many ways may be the most interesting sequel associated with Spielberg. But absent the director's guiding influence, Dante leaned into his campy side, creating a movie that serves as much a satire of its predecessor as it does ...