Obviously, there aren’t that many words in either language, but this is just a quick calculation that can hopefully put things in perspective: English words are equally complex as kanji. And they are also equally simple. Take, for example, antidisestablishmentarianism. When I was in 3rd Gr...
While kanji can be daunting, it’s still highly important because of how linked kanji is to vocabulary. In fact, learning kanji and vocabulary at the same time is crucial because kanji often implies meaning. Let’s look at the kanji for “day”: 日 (ひ). We can combine this kanji with...
Many kanji are simple to learn because they are made of just two or three strokes. However, some kanji are made of as many as 20 or more strokes. The average kanji will be made of nine to ten strokes. As a you discover more complex words, you're also more likely to encounter challe...
I'm Krisada, the creator of JLPT TUTOR. I created this site to share the path of my Japanese learning That I achieved my JLPT N1. You may struggle with Kanji , Grammar , Listening, reading and fail again and again. I know how you feel when you see "Not Pass" I want to share wha...
Kanji in Context: A great resource for a bit more challenging sentences. Good to use after you’ve finished KO2001 (or something similar). However, I found the sentences very boring after some time. Kanzen Master Series: These books help you prepare for the JLPT, but you could also use ...