There are many reports in the Gospels which show that Jesus (p) made it clear to his followers that he was not the one true God. For example, when speaking about the final Hour, he said: "No one knows about the Day or Hour, not even the angels in heaven, not the son, but onl...
You can configure how many virtual desktops there are Kònfigùracëjô wielënë wirtualnëch pùltów. Name KDE40.1 This is how the time will be displayed Ôrt wëskrzëniwaniô czasa KDE40.1 Multiple Desktops In this module, you can configure how many virtual desktops you...
For Cheema, corruption is only one, insignificant, problem among many from which the power sector suffers. “There is no more corruption in the power sector than there is in any other industry. It is not the reason for the near collapse of the national grid. Incompetence is.” Coming from...