The historian Ernst Nolte and several other notable historians have argued that the Jewish role in the Bolshevik Revolution was an important cause in Germany’s backlash against the Jews.The Weimar government was comprised of many Jews. From the outset the Weimer government was criticized by ...
While I have yet to prove that the Messers came from Switzerland, it is safe to say that they did come from the Germany/Switzerland area. Not much is known about Robert’s family. I have yet to find any information on his parents or if he had any siblings. We do know that Robert ...
modern thinking. In its art and its politics; in its embrace of science as a foundation of society, it was more modern than many places today. That Vienna was wiped out. But as described in a new book, its legacy lived on, especially in the United States, in many areas of daily ...
By that time, Stern – who was Jewish by birth – was based at the Carnegie Institute of Technology in Pittsburgh in the US, having fled Germany in 1933 as Nazi repression of the Jews intensified. While at Carnegie, he extended his work on the magnetic dipole moment of the proton to ...
but ideas about Jews that were pervasive in Germany, and had been for decades, induced ordinary Germans to kill" (Goldhagen 1996, p. 9). His book "reverses the Marxian dictum, in holding that consciousness determined being" (p. 455). Hitler's Revolution "was, above all, a cognitive-mora...
Nowadays, men are unlikely to be found working in the home. In the United States today, housewives outnumber househusbands by around 40:1. This situation is so widespread that many people consider it to be “natural.” But the division of housework based on gender is actually a pretty rece...
I have lived in my current community for well over 25 years. Our world has gone to s*&t. When I was a child, virtually every one in our modest neighborhood would put up some sort of Christmas display that honored the birth of our Lord, not some childish b.s. rubbish with reindeer,...