The 2019 Israeli census counts 472,800 Moroccan Jews living in Israel, although according to the World Federation of Moroccan Jewry, nearly one million Israeli
Based on Israel's Population Registry, the precise number of Jews in Judea and Samaria is 435,159, as of January 1, 2018. The statistic does not include the some 315,000 Jews who dwell in the eastern neighborhoods of Jerusalem, which is also technically the "West Bank." Unlike any other...
This can be at the expense of their original function: how many believers want to worship in the middle of a flow of atheist invaders Who would want to pray while curious onlookers shuffle to and fro with guide books, rather than prayer books, in their hands Tourism may bring other ...
“How many out gay VCs do you know? I think it explains a lot about Thiel: His disdain for convention, his quest to overturn established rules. Like the immigrant Jews who created Hollywood a century ago, a gay investor has no way to fit into the old establishment. That frees him or ...
Today many Jews are grateful to the Serbs, because Serbia had saved many Jewish lived during WW2. I do not like NWO Jews and Jews who are evil. But not all the Jews are like that. What is your opinion on the Serbian and Jewish friendship? Chuck Boldwyn November 19, 2008 @ 11:29 ...
A new narrative, promoted by American Jews for an American audience, must call for engagement with Palestinians as human beings with inherent and inviolable human dignity. A brief overview of the American Jewish role in various social justice movements demonstrates the community's history of working...
Accounts of Lilith as a child-killer seem to be taken directly from the Lamastu legend. She is often described as a winged demoness with sharp talons, who came in the night, primarily to steal away infants and fetuses. Most likely, the Jews assimilated the figure of Lamastu into their tr...
10. The Jews have brought radical feminism to American women and girls. Thanks to the steady diet of anti-male, anti-marriage and anti-family books, lectures and college courses from the likes of the Gloria Steinems, the Betty Friedans, and the Susan Sontags, many women now see the ...
There would probably even be hens and a goat or two sharing the small space around the manger. Here is where the King of the Jews was sleeping. And, sitting close by with watchful eyes, were Mary and Joseph; a humble pair who had traveled many miles to find no room in the inn. ...
170K What was the Holocaust and what caused it? Learn about the major factors that contributed to the Holocaust. View statistics about people murdered by the Nazis. Related to this QuestionHow many Jews died in Poland during the Holocaust? How many Polish Jews died in WW2? How many Jewish...