I am not just questioning and researching – I am writing about all my discoveries and making them available to everybody for spiritual deliberations. I am writing since I believe many Jews and Christians are questioning all in the above as I do but just do not have time and analytical...
“These are the moments that bring us together as a family. We need to hold each other up and support one another, as Jews and Zionists, and keep everyone informed,” Barak says, “Everybody has it in them to start a movement, but sometimes they need a push to understand the situation...
Having been raised in an upper middle class Jewish environment whenever a presidential campaign took place the question asked by the Jewish Community was, “Is he good for the Jews?” Never was the question asked, “Is he good for America?” An example of how the Jewish Community gives pr...
How many people died in Pompeii? How many Jews lived in Europe in 1933? How many people died in the Haida Gwaii earthquake? How many years have people lived in the Arctic? How many people came to California during the Gold Rush?
the president has made clear that this climate of intimidation and self-censorship must end, even if his primary focus is not on its impact on Jews. But as the post-October 7 silence of so many minority groups that we have supported makes clear today, Jews must be focused on Jews. And...
Were such a state to launch a 10/7-style simultaneous invasion from the West Bank and Gaza, hordes of terrorists would be able to roam the more populous streets of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, among other towns and villages in central and southern Israel, in no time. This will be an assured...
Today, Holt International is a $28 million-a-year operation working in many countries besides Korea, and one of the largest adoption agencies in the world. But from its inception in Korea in 1955, the majority of children adopted out to the U.S. arenotorphans. The childre...
In many churches, it is the beginning of Holy Week, a week of observances leading up to Easter Sunday. Palm Sunday occurs one week before Easter and marks Jesus' entry into Jerusalem when his supporters waved palm fronds to celebrate his arrival. Today, many people use the ashes ...
Here’s today’s YouTube video: Note about this post: I began blogging through the Bible in 2012 and have done so every year since then. These posts are the product of many edits and additions throughout those years. Some days I make major changes, other days fewer. ...
Today, the Feast of Booths, or Tabernacles or Sukkot, is celebrated by a growing number of groups, includingMessianic Jews, Church of God groups, and Apollo Quiboloy's Kingdom of Jesus Christ church in the Philippines, as well as the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ). ...