“The bloody October 7 attacks struck deep inside Israel on a scale even Hamas did not think possible. But it also laid bare what [the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace’s Yezid] Sayigh called the group’s ‘delusion’ that the cross-border raid would trigger uprisings against Israel...
Given the institution’s awareness of American Jews’ vulnerability, it should be no surprise that former college president Ron Liebowitz immediately and unequivocally condemned the October 7, 2023 Hamas terrorist attacks. Liebowitz stands out among his counterparts both for denouncing these atrocities and...
The fact that we can now die just from old age is quite a change from how our ancestors died. With modern medicine, we've defeated many of the infectious diseases and addressed the sanitation issues that may have killed us before. Of course, some areas of the world without access to tha...
great minds are driven by a need to justify their existence in a hostile environment and to do it quickly, before the next pogrom.” Whatever the case, at the beginning of the 20th century in Germany, there were a great many Jews at the highest levels of industry, academia, the arts, ...
How many people were killed in the Pottawatomie Creek Massacre? How many Jews died in the Spanish Inquisition? How many men died in the Salem Witch Trials? How many witch trials were there in England? How many witch trials has there been in history? How many Aztecs were killed by the ...
him, given the left-leaning mindset of many tech founders and employees. Founders and friends began to dump Jared, who would be heading to the White House. And Josh’s startup Oscar had a business model that depended heavily on the Affordable Care Act, which a Trump presidency put at ...
This was around the time of 50 – 135 CE, and one of the students who survived was Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, a notable Jewish scholar at that time who later died on the 33rd day of the Omer some years later. Rabbi Akiva was spared from the plague and later died on the 33rd day ...
Jews , the horror films films about death and murder.The Anti-German throw away lines slipped in all over.The undermining ‘criminal as victim’ theme played by many a lead Jewish actor and of course the sexual degeneracy and race mixing etc. and general degene...
Jesus Christ has done everything that needs to be done. He even died on the cross for everything that we have done wrong. And his resurrection proved that his sacrifice was acceptable to God. But to receive eternal life, Jesus says that everyone who believes in him alone for it, will ...
Harris began by emphasizing that she “will always stand up for Israel's right to defend itself” and “ensure Israel has the ability to defend itself, because the people of Israel must never again face the horror that a terrorist organization called Hamas caused on October 7.” ...