Where are Ashkenazi Jews from? Ashkenazi, plural Ashkenazim, fromHebrew Ashkenaz (“Germany”), member of the Jews who lived in the Rhineland valley and in neighbouring France before their migration eastward to Slavic lands (e.g., Poland, Lithuania, Russia) after the Crusades (11th–13th centur...
THE JEWS KNOW A GOOD ZIONIST SHILLwhen they spot and buy one. Wasting no time to defend the Israeli murderous raid on the Freedom Flotilla bound for Gaza with humanitarian aid, the power that now runs America, the Jewish Lobby and the Jewish-owned mass media, have enlisted none other ...
aFor scenic country drives and picnics in the afternoon sunshine, Nannup is a great spot. The road from Nannup to Balingup is one of the most picturesque in the region. There are many delightful places to stop along the way, either to lounge on a picnic rug or walk among the trees and...
Negrin was 19-years-old when he first met an Ashkenazi Jew, and that was when he first learned the extent of the conflict between Greeks and Jews as in the story of Chanukah. “The conflict was between the Hellenistic Empire of the Assyrians and the Jews…even in ancient times, Greeks ...
“[In Venezuela,] we are a small community, but everybody [studies] in the same school and everybody knows [each other]. We was together, Sephardi and Ashkenazi, and it was a great family,” said Bassan, 62. The Venezuelans in Miami have made things easier for Jews from other Spanis...
When Jeremy Corbyn was defeated in a landslide victory by Boris Johnson, jews in Israel were ecstatic that their “right wing” guy won. Bitchute link Share now! Author:Thanks for being a reader of this site. Your contributions make this all possible. You can send support to: Kyle Hunt, ...
a vast number of Jews on the move, from one place to another or one ideological stance to another, producing a dazzling array of cultural artifacts in a surprising variety of contexts. They’re not just Ashkenazi, and they’re not just in Europe and North America; they come in vastly dif...
(27 December 2008–21 January 2009), as the campaign was named, was better conceived and executed than its ill-fated Lebanese precursor, within ten days after its launch on January 1, Defence Minister Barak and Chief-of-staff Gabi Ashkenazi (who had been brought from retirement after the ...
As I see it, this resulted from the fact that many Jews went into intellectual professions. But what they did in their scientific research had nothing to do with their identity as Jews or with any elements derived from Jewish thinking. The fact that a Jew chose to become a scientist may ...
These Jews call themselves “neoconservatives.” But these Jewish neocons are really not“conservatives” in the strict sense of American conservatism. They are, rather, primarily “Jews.” And it is a Jewish cause, namely, Zionism that these 4 Jews are installing as the key component of ...