WhenRoki Sasakisat down for a sushi dinner withDodgersofficials and players last week, days before agreeing tosign with the clubin one of the biggest coups of baseball’s offseason,Shohei Ohtaniwas one of several stars in attendance. It wasn’t the first time the former Japanese teammates had...
Near the end of Ohtani’s tenure with the Angels, the Japanese superstar was believed to generate roughly $10 million to $20 million annually in extra revenue for the club. Many of the companies advertising in Dodger Stadium now had signage plastered all over Angel Stadium before. Upon his s...
The two elderly people in the photo were seeing the doctor for free, as part of the free health checkups and medical consultation offered to local residents under the program. The mix-up shows that Zenz either does not understand the Chinese language or knows little about the basic situation ...
Japanese immigrants had called the west coast their home for decades before the attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941. They had raised their children and grandchildren as proud American citizens. Hadanti-Asian legislationnot existed to prevent Asians from naturalising, many Japanese immigrants would...
On 20 April 2020, Japanese manga artist Tomomi Shimizu drew cartoons telling a story of "persecution" from the perspective of Sayragul Sauytbay, picturing her as the "survivor of re-education camp". (2) Reality check In April 2016, Sayragul Sauytbay was appointed head of the Central Kinderg...
On20 April2020, Japanese manga artist Tomomi Shimizu drew cartoons telling a story of"persecution" from the perspective of Sayragul Sauytbay, picturing her as the"survivor of re-education camp". (2) Reality check In April2016, Sayragul Sauytbay was appointed head of the Central Kindergarten of...
Manzanar NHS is one of 10 locations in the United States where Japanese Americans were interned by the U.S. government during World War II. Visitors to the California site can tour the barracks where some of the 110,000 people were detained. ...
In economic sense, we’re required to use the standardized sizes of materials in the Japanese construction industry. Tamotsu designs KOPPA pieces based on the sizes of our leftover materials that were intended to be thrown away. Moe: We first made a list of the stocked leftover materials. ...
Many independent travellers like to explore the world in their own way but, there are a lot of people who don’t know where to start when visiting a new country. We were a bit confused ourselves when we hit the road, and it helped us a lot when we started reading more travel blogs,...
Becker said she drew on the work of Hungarian-German modernist Marcel Breuer and contemporary Japanese architect Tadao Ando, among others, for her creation, which is only shown in snatches, preserving its mystique while keeping costs down. (The movie was shot mostly in Hungary on a modest budge...