How Jewish Should Israel Be? 2 Israelis Voters Have AnswersEmily Harris
Ruth Hacohen's writing represents a small segment of Jewish Israelis, who are in favour of a democratic state of all of its citizens. She reminds me of Brit Shalom, a group of Zionist intellectuals founded in 1925, who favoured a unitary state...
“I am aware of the questions posed in many Jewish communities around the world about the outcome of the elections,” Israeli president Isaac Herzog said in a prerecorded message to conference attendees. “The results may or may not be to your liking, but the vote of the Israeli people sho...
Many misinformed people will accuse you of stirring up “anti-Semitism” because you dare show these film clips and pictures of Jews behaving badly. Others will say that Silverman, et al are not “religious Jews” but deracinated Jews who have no contact with the Jewish culture. These misin...
As pro-Palestinian student protests dominated college campuses in recent weeks, Jewish students had fervent debates over how to respond.
While formal research on the unity of Israelis during wartime has yet to be conducted, many in Israel report that since the tragic events of October 7, a genuine feeling of togetherness and harmony has existed among the public and has succeeded in overcoming the divisiveness of the period befor...
These organizations are working to provide immediate aid and long-term assistance to Israelis affected by Saturday’s terror attacks and the subsequent war
Israelis whose experiences differ from his own. Ayalon is a realist, not an idealist, and many who consider themselves Zionists will regard as radical his conclusions about what Israel must do to achieve relative peace and security and to sustain itself as a Jewish homeland and a liberal ...
On Monday, Jews around the world will begin celebrating the weeklong Passover holiday, recounting the biblical story of their exodus from Egypt after hundreds of years of slavery. But for many Israelis, it’s hard to fathom a celebration of freedom when friends ...
The Jewish State must end, says its enemies, from intellectuals like Tony Judt to hate-filled demagogues like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Even average Israelis are wondering if they wouldn't be better off somewhere else. A country which once restored hope to Jews world-over now feels itself slipping....