However, due to a number of factors, this new life in America was not very pleasant. Many found that simply working hard to better the lives of their families was not enough. When they came to America, they arrived without much money, property or friends. They first had to find a ...
Millions of African Americansmigrated northin the decades following World War I, confounding efforts to police the color line in many cities. In small Southern towns, Smith-Pryor says, everyone knew the racial backgrounds of people in their community, regardless of complexio...
At the end of the American Revolution, many colonists who had been loyal to the British government were either forced to leave the United States or migrated elsewhere voluntarily. Scholars estimate that between 60,000 and 100,000 Loyalists left the United States for other places in the British ...
Free Essay: In the history of America, there are many books, which had powerful impact on political, social and cultural aspects of the society and...
Most Native Americans abandoned these practices before European explorers arrived, but one group in Louisiana, the Natchez, retained many of the practices, which allowed Europeans to observe a culture far different from most others they encountered in North America. The first Europeans (Spaniards ...
1880s when immigrants from Eastern and Southern Europe surpassed Germans and Irish in numbers. Unlike other immigrants at that times, most Germans came to America to pursue an agricultural lifestyle as their American dreams rather than swarm into cities, many of them dreaming of cultivating on ...
Well, you might argue that his Dutch ancestors — the Meeink family — were originally Ashkenazi, but that’s unlikely considering that the Jews who settled in the Netherlands were of Sephardic origins — many having migrated there after the Spanish Inquisition. ...
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning how to dance in the rain." Vivian Greene
For years, the geographic center of North America has been described as this stone and mortar obelisk inRugby, North Dakota, 60 kilometres south of Manitoba, Canada. I used to drive past the monument a couple times a year back in the days when I owned homes in Florida and Saskatchewan. ...
He is a plump little termite; typical of his ilk and exemplifying the core nature and true beliefs of the political social conservative right. He’s also an example of the same attitude that migrated from the evangalitical megachurch circuit into the right wing in general. Osteen and his ...