The silent enemy of insider threats poses a significant risk to your intellectual property, an asset as valuable as it is vulnerable. In the business world, where innovation and confidentiality are paramount, understanding the nature of these threats, their impact, and the means to mitigate them ...
Insider threats:Manyinsider threatscenarios involve an employee attempting to move laterally through the network. In most cases, malicious insiders try to reach resources or data they wouldn't normally have permission to access. Our guide to differenttypes of cyberattackstakes you through the most co...
Insider Threat Detection Tools Stopping insider threats within federal agencies requires a comprehensive solution that addresses both people and technology, according to Milică. “On the technology front, many organizations mistakenly focus on data movement alone,” she says. “However, agencies need ...
Ransomware attacks are also often chalked up to insider threats, since many leech into systems through phishing scams or network vulnerabilities left unpatched by security. Also, they’re on the rise, according to law enforcement. “Sadly, ransomware is still so profitable that it’s not going ...
Careless workers, sometimes referred to assecurity evaders, disobey the rules and disregard company security measures either knowingly or unwittingly. These vulnerabilities pose an insider threat in many ways, including the following: shadow IT use; ...
Users steal an organization’s data for many different reasons. Some of the most common motives for malicious insider threats are financial, emotional, or political. For example, an employee may be in financial distress, and decide that selling sensitive corporate data may ease some of the pressu...
For Fred, Anthony, and Alyssa. You are my life—I love you! —Dawn For those who make my life oh so sweet: Susan, Eric, Susan’s amazing family, and my own Mom, … - Selection from The CERT® Guide to Insider Threats: How to Prevent, Detect, and Respo
“While external cybersecurity threats can often be prevented or detected primarily through technical tools, those technical tools are insufficient to prevent many insider threats.” READ MORE: Learn how to detect and respond to cybersecurity attacks faster. Different Types of Insider Threats Insider ...
Regardless of the environments they target, attackers are always testing new ways to evade cyberdefenses. CFOs don’t need to grasp every technical nuance, but they must understand attackers’ most effective techniques. Many attacks are new twists on the following five basic types. 1. Business em...
Businesses today face the challenges of external threats, but internal threats are not left out either. An organization can suffer from dangers within; it could be through devious goals or carelessness. Insider threats can cause noticeable damage to the operation, finances, and reputation of a comp...