Many voters said they worried about what could happen after the election, especially if Trump loses. They fear a wave of lawsuits and court hearings, demonstrations, even violence. Trump claims the only way Democrats can win is by cheating. Harris has said she is ready to confront...
How the poll on independent voters was conducted
but it may also be because too many independent voters are scared by negative perceptions of what the Democratic party stands for. Given that the former president is skilled at negative branding, let’s consider what Trump actually says. He often claims that Democrats believe in ...
Sylverne: I was very motivated to vote in 2020. I think a lot of Democrats and Democratic-leaning voters like myself were tired after enduring four years under Donald Trump and were ready to vote him out of office. I personally had many issues with him, including the fact that I think...
So, while Haley did well among independent voters, there weren't enough of them to make her competitive with Trump. Haley also performed relatively better among college graduates and moderates, polling even with Trump among the first group and handily beating him among the latter.Haley led among...
independents. So far, he seems to be doing reasonably well on both. Republicans are about 6 percent more likely to vote than Democrats and independent voters are voting for Walker over Burke 46-42. However, 13 percent of independents say they are undecided--more than enough to make up ...
I serve on an Independent Special District Board. California also has Community College Districts (72 of them) that are different from the state's 1028 School Boards. That said, I'm very grateful to you for your diary. The R's game plan to get their people on...
This shows that voters, who appreciate the flexibility offered by range voting because they assign high ratings to many options, are more likely to rate the method as legitimate. However, when all options receive very high ratings, resulting in a high AUC, the legitimacy ratings decrease. This...
“For both campaigns, the goal here is reaching an audience of moderate, independent, swing voters in swing states who will, in many ways, be the deciding factor in this election,” said former Biden administration official Bill Russo. “Trump has kind of a golden opportunity here. ...
He was propelled by an electorate dissatisfied with the state of the country, the economy and by the many voters who were feeling the impact ofinflation. Vice President Kamala Harris underperformed with key parts of the Democratic coalition, while Trump made some inroads. He also continued to ex...