The Editors 8 years 2 months ago In reply to "couple inches off the bottom" Really - so much? by R S (not verified) A 1/4-inch off the entire bottom is perfectly fine. We were just being casual about it, but you do not need a full two inches, especially given reasons such as...
People also hate roaches because they can be extremely difficult to get rid of. One reason is because of their natural behavior. They reproduce quickly and are hard to kill. Since they're nocturnal, many people don't notice their presence until there are so many that they've run out ...
In America's heartland, Iowa stands as a testament to the successful conservation of the majestic bald eagle population in the United States. In the 38 years that I have lived in the rural area of Jones and Dubuque County, I have witnessed many bald eagles, with an increase in sightings ...
Fennec foxes are extremely easy to identify by sight. They are small animals that weigh only about 3 to 4 pounds and grow to be about 11 or 12 inches in length. Their prominent feature is their large ears, which can be as much as six inches tall....
Katrina Bloemsma taught mountaineering classes for REI and previously guided mountaineering trips across North America. When not climbing up a glacier she can be found chasing snow and surf! Back to top Find answers online anytime. See our stores and services. ...
Atabby is not a breedof cat; tabbies are identified by specific patterns in their coats. These patterns occur in many different breeds along with an "M" marking of hair on the forehead. Each breed has its own estimated life span, but in general, indoor cats can live12 to 18 yearsand ...
The engine of the sport is composed of two players -- the pitcher and the batter. All of the action in a baseball game revolves around these two combatants. The pitcher stands on a raised mound of dirt, called the pitcher's mound, which is 60 feet 6 inches (18.4 meters) from home ...
A dog's sense of smell is more sensitive than that of humans. A dog's nose contains around800 different types of olfactory receptor cells, which is abouttwice as many as in humans.The olfactory bulb, the part of the brain that processes smells, makes up1.95% of the volume of a dog ...
Another option is to buy sticky strips and put them on the floor around your bed to trap a bedbug commuter for a definitive identification. Trapping lots of them on a sticky strip may give you an idea of how advanced your infestation is, too. Bedbug bites can itc...
Sea level has risen by 250 mm (10 inches) since 1860. What we have measured before can be taken as certain but the science of predicting what will come in the future is by no means perfect. However, the science of AR4 tells of trends that cannot be ignored by the responsible and ...