If 2.54 cm = 1 in, how many inches are in 1 meter? (a) 36 in(b) 39.4 in(c) 30 in(d) 91.44 in Relation Between Two Units: We can convert between units by knowing the conversion factor. For example, The relation between the feet and inches: 1 foot = 12 inches...
how many square centimeters are in 1 square meter? c. using the answers from a & b , how many square feet are in one square meterDescribe how the power of ten rule works in converting 1.71 kg to milligrams.A meter scale is graduated at every millimeter. How many significant digits will...
¿How many mm are there in 2 in? In 2 in there are 50.8 mm. Which is the same to say that 2 inches is 50.8 millimeters. Two inches equals to fifty millimeters. *Approximation ¿What is the inverse calculation between 1 millimeter and 2 inches?
10 mm in a cm How many centimeters in a meter (inch or foot) How many inches in a yard or mile How many liters in a gallon (quart, milliliter, cup, pint, ounce) Millimeter is a common measurement term used both in the British and American mathematical systems where it is used to...
Answer: 100 mm is 3.93 inchesExplanation :The millimeter is the standard unit of measuring the length and is used often to measure very small lengths. An inch is an imperial unit of length.One inch contains 2.54 cms or 25.4 mm. Thus, 1 inch = 25.4 mm1 mm = 1/25.4 inches100 mm = ...
5 meters equals how many centimeters? 1 meter is how many centimeters? What is 1 meter and 75 centimeter in metric figures? How many centimeters in a kilometer? If 2.54 cm = 1 in, how many inches are in 1 meter? (a) 36 in (b) 39.4 in (c) 30 in (d) 91.44 in Which is great...
The millimeter is like the thousandth of an inch in that it is also a thousandth of a meter. You can convert millimeter measurements to thousandths-of-an-inch equivalents by conversion factors for inches, modified for a smaller size. Molar Mass Calculator Common Compounds Periodic Elements ...
How many decameters in a meter? Units of Length in the Metric System The meter is the base unit for measuring length in the Metric System. All other units of length will have the word 'meter' in their names. Answer and Explanation: ...
Tom Murphy wants to know how far it is to the moon. Not just how many miles, or how many feet, or even how many inches. Tom Murphy想知道地球到⽉亮有多远,有多少英⾥,多少英尺,多少英⼨。He wants to know it within a millimeter, and that's less than a 25th of an inch.And...
Step 1:Paste the formula in any blank cell (i.e.,E5). =CONVERT(D5,"ft","m") In the formula, D5=number “ft”=from_unit “m”=to_unit Step 2:Use theENTERkey to execute the function and drag theFill Handleto apply it to the entire range. ...