In drunkenly slurred English coming from my straight friends’ mouths to my lesbian ear, lesbian sex is generally described with a big, fat question mark hovering after a “So, how do lesbians have sex, really?” Of the many responses the webpage “Yahoo! Answers” received for such a que...
Wellness How Male Puberty Works Skin Care Should my esthetician do extractions on my face? Advertisement 5 Things Your Skin Needs Every Day By: Julia Layton Dove With about 2 square yards (1.7 meters squared) of exposed skin to care for, it makes sense that many people's medicine cabi...
The amygdala is associated with many emotions, but none more so than fear. On the most fundamental level, the amygdala powers our survival instincts. This would have been key to avoiding predators and other natural threats in our primitive past, but it now manifests in the far more complicate...
Many sex experts argue that the real secret to the popularity of facials stems from the sense of male domination they convey—the way they seem to inherently degrade receptive partners. “Literally, someone is over you, because you can’t do a facial from down below,” points out sex counse...
That said, fret not: most women I know (myself included) aren’t trying to have sex for more than 10-20 minutes max on a regular basis. OK, maybe once in a while it's fun to go at it for a while, but for the most part, as long as we get off too, we aren’t trying to...
The ancient strong how to make penis naturally3 best prescription erectile dysfunction medsbigger have heard a little. I heard it isHow To Make Penis Naturally Biggervery powerful. Brother, domineering, powerful. As for where this is and how many people it affects, it howHow To Make Penis Na...
Sex is an ever evolving art. Looking back to the 19th century, it was common place for people to have sex fully clothed, with special holes for intercourse sown into the attire. Exploring beyond missionary position was a taboo, let alone oral or anal sex. ...
Many people daydream of having that special sensation and trying anal sex with their partner.Realistic sex dollsare ready to be kinky and get wild in all three holes. This is natural, healthy, and very enjoyable for many people. Our doll manufacturers have designed their sex dolls so that ...
I had Blue Tits nesting in my garden this year in a bird box I had attached to the wall. You can learn how and when the Blue Tits prepare their nest boxes and when the eggs are laid and hatch. There are photos of my own wild birds as they rear their fami
Many of us do not want to make the changes to our social lives, dating etc. for the sake of sleep. It is a matter of priorities. You want to go to the club, or you want to not have Alzheimers. Stress: do everything possible to lower it ...