The Black and Hispanic people with PAH in this study tended to be younger. Differences in Risk of Getting PAH Some of the diseases that increase your chances of getting PAH are more common among certain populations. For instance, Black people have a higher risk of getting scleroderma, ...
We have found that many of our communities may not be aware of the government’s health recommendations or know where to get help, if needed. As safety professionals, we have to tackle this pandemic in the right way in order to get back to wor...
For many Hispanic entrepreneurs, finding an incubator that will help them get their idea off the ground is a daunting task. Fortunately, the number of incubators that cater to Hispanic small businesses is growing.
This study examines the health of Indigenous peoples in Mexico and the USA and evaluates how they fare relative to the majority populations in their countries (non-Indigenous Mexicans and non-Hispanic Whites, respectively). Using data from the Mexican Family Life Survey [15] and the National Heal...
One student might be of both Hispanic and Asian descent, and write something like this: I am half-Mexican and half-Chinese, which until recently, I didn’t know was as common as it is. Unlike other mixed-race individuals I know, I have never experienced that feeling of being lost in ...
even when controlling for other factors. The same is true of students from historically underserved ethnicities – namely Latino/Hispanic, Black/African American, American Indian/Alaska Native, and those of two or more races – although economic factors typically had greater explanatory power than ethn...
When hiring managers and people teams don’t see problems in the hiring process, they don’t rush to fix them. Unfortunately, many people lack awareness about the pitiful state of diversity in their organizations — that is until they face the court of public opinion. Conduct a diversity ...
Perhaps you are a Hispanic student who wants to revitalize others’ awareness of their cultural heritage. Poke around UPenn’s website to find specific groups or initiatives that address something you enjoy. As always, if you can use past accomplishments or experiences to illustrate your point, ...
The COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting social distancing measures have caused widespread social and economic disruptions, resulting in spikes in unemployment and financial instability, along with drastic changes to people's ability to feel socially connected. Many of the changes resulting from the CO...
EducationUSA: A U.S. Department of State network that provides current information about approved postsecondary education in the United States to students globally. Federal Student Aid: A comprehensive resource for learning about different types of scholarships and how to apply for them, offered by ...