Repeated construction of siloed systems with duplicate functions, vendor lock-in A common platform was needed to support the deployment, management, and sharing of shared services. 35% of the systems provided duplicate functions. If they could be consolidated, many wasteful...
For example, South Korean Daewoo Logistics planned to invest in 1.3 million hectares of land to produce maize in Madagascar, but after a large debate in the country the transitional government cancelled its license [9]. Furthermore, Hamelinck (2013) [10] has shown that many other land deals...
Considering all these arguments for and against a local and climate-friendly food system, a range of research questions and assumptions emerge: RQ 1: How many animals would be necessary to satisfy the demand for regional animal products (meat, dairy and eggs) in the context of current ...
According to the eight edition of the Living Planet Index 2012 [20], Romania has an average ecological footprint (meaning the use of resources for food, fuel, clothing and construction materials) of 2.7 hectares per capita. In comparative terms, the planet can offer only 1.8 hectares of land...