There are many, many types of lettuce available. Whether you prefer to grow lettuce that’s the salad standard of iceberg lettuce (crispheads), or a nice leafy green, there’s going to be lettuce seeds out there for you! Let’s go over some different kinds and see the differences so y...
Optional: A spray bottle for misting the leaves to keep them hydrated. Instructions: STEP 1: Place the lettuce hearts in a shallow container of water with access to indirect sunlight. Make sure the water does not cover the lettuce. Pin STEP 2. Change the water each day. Within a day, ...
Though much of the research conducted by NASA and other space agencies is important to the space programs, the impact of space farming has many real-life applications for Earth. The main benefit and purpose of learning how to farm in space is to enable long-term space exploration -- it's...
Grow celery with lettuce, spinach, and English peas. Avoid growing celery with pumpkins, cucumbers, and squash. Container growing celery Celery can be grown in an 8-inch (20cm)container. One plant will grow in an 8-inch container. Set celery at 10-inch centers in large containers. Get...
Harvest when plant heads feel firm and tight, before any buds start to bloom. Use a sharp knife to cut the main head, retaining a portion of the stem, and expect smaller side shoots for later harvests from many varieties.To maximize quality, harvest in the cool morning hours....
Floppy, furry, and downright adorable, bunnies can make the perfect pet for many types of people. These cute critters are cuddly, social, and love to spend quality time with their human friends. If you love pint-sized pets and want to add a rabbit to your household, then you’d better...
Plan to use four heads of lettuce for every five guests if you are serving green salads. For other salads, such as macaroni or potato, have at least a gallon for every group of 25. For instance, you will need two gallons of potato salad for a group of 50 people. ...
Lavender is traditionally grown in the garden alongside chamomile, lettuce, tomato, and other perennial herbs Lavender Flowers Although generally harvested before the bees get a chance, wild lavender blooms are one of the best companion plants for the bee population as well as many other beneficial...
Lettuce is a perfect crop to plant in areas with deep shade because it dislikes too much sunlight. Ideally, this type of vegetable only requires a maximum of six hours per day and will still thrive if given less than that. Growing lettuce in shady spots keeps its roots cooler; thus, you...
How many heads of cabbage do you get per plant? There will not be just one new head, but several,usually three or four, but sometimes as many as six smaller heads will grow up around the rim of the original plant's stub. Stonehead Cabbage -- Harvesting a Bumper Crop!