When it comes to determining how many colleges and universities are in the U.S., it's a number in flux. The short answer: There were 3,982 degree-granting postsecondary institutions in the U.S. as of the 2019-2020 school year, according to the National Center f...
"It's been a big change having to rewire your brain to learn in this online environment. There are a lot of professors that rely on in-class participation, but now grading is different. New requirements like online discussions and assignments are adding more things to your to-do list," An...
Performed over two consecutive weekends, her show at the Southern California desert festival pays homage to the great Southern bands from HBCUs (Historically Black Colleges and Universities). There's also a brief but thrilling Destiny's Child reunion, as well as plenty ...
HBCUs, by their standing in the community, have been a gateway to first generation college students, regardless of race or social class status and "many continue to have 'open' admissions policies, welcoming all who wish to attend college, regardless of previous academic performance. Today, ...
One of my most memorable shows this year truly was night one of the Charley Crockett tour. I'd never been on tour before, and I will never forget it. There was so much build up to this tour and so many unknowns, so much energy going into that first night. I will always remember ...
Our panel graciously offered their perspectives on the role of HBCUs in architectural education today. They also shared what they would like to companies in the design industry to better understand about students attending HBCU architecture programs and what they believe can be done to advance divers...
Expand your candidate sourcing channels and search parameters to focus on skills over pedigree. There are many different ways people can learn new skills and build expertise. For example, source candidates who have attended boot camps or completed skill certifications. You canpartner with the Black ...
and mentoring programs in collaboration with four historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs): Hampton University, North Carolina A&T State University, Prairie View A&M University, and Virginia State University. Separately, theBlacks at Microsoft(BAM) program will also award 45 scholarship...
So far, more than 400 students and 90 faculty across six HBCUs have participated in NLN’s year-long course. Harris has implemented the program at PVAMU and encourages her students to take part. “Anything we can do to help ease students’ transition and make their load a little lighter is...
There are many schools where students can be successful, and our expert counselors will help you find the schools that are the best fit for your interests, goals, and finances. For more information on how we can help you find the best-fit schools to apply to, contact us today. Choosing...