Reports on the results of a study on the effectiveness of gun safe-storage laws in the United States. Firearm mortality from 1979 to 1994; Possible impact of the laws to gun-related homicide and suicide.EBSCO_AspBrown University Child & Adolescent Behavior Letter...
Laws related to weapons, including guns, can be complex. That’s true in New Jersey as well as the rest of the country. It can be hard to understand what’s allowed in your state and how state laws and federal laws co-exist in this space. Add to the existing complexity of gun laws...
There is no guarantee that these laws would be effective in stopping motivated killers from ultimately achieving their goal. Also, some of the proposals are more recent and could not be expected to have stopped attacks in the distant past. ...
Lawmakers also raised the minimum age to purchase a gun to 21 and turned the ownership of bump stocks, which could make a semiautomatic rifle fire more rapidly, into a felony. However, in more recent years, some legislators have worked to weaken gun laws in the state, including...
an eighteen-year-old with a long gun:three people dead and many wounded from gunfirein Philadelphia; a mass shooting in Chattanoogaleaving three people dead; parties in Arizona, Virginia, and South Carolina leaving a total of at least three deaths and 22 people injured, many of them children...
With one study suggesting ~25 million cryptocurrency traders outside the USA & Europe(3), it seems quite likely there are over 100 million owners of bitcoins. If true, it means about 1.3% of the world's population owns bitcoin. How Many Daily Users of Bitcoin? This section discusses on...
Once upon a time you'd have found gadgets like this only in space rockets or jumbo jets; now they're in virtually every car, many laptop computers, and all kinds of gadgets such as smartphones and games consoles. Let's take a closer look at what they are, what they do, and how ...
gun reform, the letter’s authors wrote, “Laws were changed, handguns were banned and the level of gun violence in Britain is now one of the lowest in the world.” Since the 1996Dunblane massacre, they pointed out, “[t]here have been no more school shootings” in the United...
Second Law (Force and Acceleration): The tighter the rubber band, the greater the force applied to the wheels. Third Law (Action-Reaction): As the rubber band unwinds, it pushes against the skewer, propelling the car forward. 💡 Learn more about how Newton’s Laws of Motion apply to ...