The Bottom Line on New Jersey Gun Laws in 2023 Not sure if any of these laws even apply to you? That’s understandable, as many relate to firearms and ammunition manufacturing and sales. If you purchased your guns legally from a reputable shop, you’re probably within the law with your ...
Reports on the results of a study on the effectiveness of gun safe-storage laws in the United States. Firearm mortality from 1979 to 1994; Possible impact of the laws to gun-related homicide and suicide.EBSCO_AspBrown University Child & Adolescent Behavior Letter...
Only 62 per cent thought it would actually reduce violence, though, and there’s some wisdom there. The Vegas shooter reportedly passed a background check just recently, and there are simply too many guns in America, and too many ways for people to get them, to stop these th...
In my neighborhood, there’s a lot of gang violence. Every night, we hear gunshots from a couple streets away, sometimes they are followed by police sirens, and sometimes they aren’t. Gangs are involved with drugs, guns, crime, and violence. Many gangs are associated with robbery, drug...
Shooting potentially affected by proposed gun bill Odessa, Texas Aug. 31, 2019 Austin, Texas Aug. 1, 1966 146/167 Shootings 1,100/1,202 Deaths 1,922/1,962 Injuries There is no guarantee that these laws would be effective in stopping motivated killers from ultimately achieving their goal. ...
Firearms are pervasive in America but we do have reason for hope. Research has shown us there are effective ways to prevent or reduce the risks of harm, just as our country did to improve motor vehicle safety. This is a public health epidemic that we can do something about, through a co...
Lawmakers also raised the minimum age to purchase a gun to 21 and turned the ownership of bump stocks, which could make a semiautomatic rifle fire more rapidly, into a felony. However, in more recent years, some legislators have worked to weaken gun laws in the state, including...
an eighteen-year-old with a long gun:three people dead and many wounded from gunfirein Philadelphia; a mass shooting in Chattanoogaleaving three people dead; parties in Arizona, Virginia, and South Carolina leaving a total of at least three deaths and 22 people injured, many of them children...
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