As massive as a googol is, a googolplex is many, many times larger,such that it’s impossible to write all the zeros out.There’d be ten-duotrigintillion of them! Counting to a googolplex would be even more impossible. We can’t calculate how long it would take, but it’s estimated...
How about thegoogolplex, which is a one followed by a googol of zeros. The googolplex is so large it doesn't have any meaningful use yet—it is larger than the number of atoms in the universe.1 Million and Billion: Some Differences In the United States—as well as around the world in...
Zero is commonly used in language to express the concept of having none, and is used in math as an integer. The number 0 in today’s math can be tricky; why calculate something when there’s not actually anything there? But zero can be used in a variety of math problems, and it’s...
A googolplex would be a 1 followed by that many zeroes -- as Carl Sagan once pointed out, there are fewer than a googolplex's worth of elementary particles in the observable universe [source: Sagan]. Read More Contents Googleplex Facilities Google Food for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner...
How Many Zeros? Google's name is a variation of the word "googol," which is a mathematical term for a one followed by 100 zeros. Page and Brin felt the name helped illustrate Google's monumental mission: Organizing billions of bytes of data found on the Web. Contents The Google Search...
actually,google got it's name from the number googol (please don't mix googol with googolplex) 2 scientists actually created it in the 1800s or the 1900s. I don't quite know, after all,I'm just a 9 year old bookworm (75 to 85 science books read) anyway,googol has 100 zeros in ...
Many of us have a home phone, cell phone and work phone (and maybe even a work cell phone), and at least one work and one personal e-mail address. With the way information flies around and the speed with which it can go stale, we live in an up-to-the minute, can't-wait-'til...
How Many Zeros? Google's name is a variation of the word "googol," which is a mathematical term for a one followed by 100 zeros. Page and Brin felt the name helped illustrate Google's monumental mission: Organizing billions of bytes of data found on the Web. In this article, we'...
So, I’m curious about what a big number means to you — is it a million, a billion, a googol, or a googolplex? But if you are thinking about infinity, it is not fair. Infinity ain’t a real number, it’s a concept of an unfathomable idea without any end!
1 Googolplex = 1 ^Googol, this is one hell of a number and lets not even go there… The attached application is written in C++ It will convert any number to the centillion value and does not require a DLL, I have given you enough for you to write your own class but if you are ...