2024 CNN — “When America sneezes, the rest of the world catches a cold” is a saying used to describe how the massive American economy can affect global businesses, but it also applies to foreign policy in the Trump era. President-elect Donald Trump’s electoral mandate gives him considera...
In the shadows, anti-government forces hatch plans for its deposition. Disloyal opposition rallies. There are wild rumours, fears of outside military intervention, talk of conspiracies, street protests that turn violent. With mounting civil unrest, the police, intelligence services and army grow ...
In October 2023, there was a dramatic turn in the conflict when a coordinated offensive by three opposition armed groups, comprising the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army, the Ta’ang National Liberation Army and the Arakan Army, launched an offensive campaign known as Operation 1027 after ...
This installation is a project that rallied passionate support from the Irish community in Ottawa and from many quarters: Mayor Mark Sutcliffe, Councilors Theresa Kavanagh and Rawlston King, the expertise of Nick McCarthy at Beechwood National Cemetery, generous local fundraisers, and of course the...
I had a lot of connections in the Free Syrian Army like high ranking connections generals and whatnot. In a lot of past conflicts in the Arab world when somebody has been taken prisoner and they give their references and they check on these references and the guy says, “Yeah, we ...
As you may know, I have been swimming around the outside of your administration for a couple months now, and I must tell you, I do not think you are being well-served by many people in the White House. I can bring in young staffers who will tell you that some of you...
During Zia-ul-Haq's Islamization campaign, the well disciplined and highly efficient Pakistan army also went through an ideological metamorphosis. Even though General Pervez Musharaf, the current head of the country, is considered a moderate, his support rests with generals who are more ...
Through over 500 articles, many are now aware of the Jewish threat to Christian civilization and are eager to put teeth to our words. This is why I am starting The Brother Nathanael Foundation which will move in a public way by “taking the Jews at their own game” through strategic influ...
In other words, if the Burma Army cannot manage the country’s own insurgency, China will not do the job for it either. Indeed, if the Burma Army easily loses Kokang to a thousand local rebels overnight, it does raise the question to everyone as to whether the Burma Army is the ...
; the Baghdad Pact, joining Turkey, Iraq, Great Britain, Pakistan, and Iran in the Middle East; the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, which included the Philippines, Thailand, Australia, and New Zealand; mutual security agreements with South Korea and with the Republic of China; and a ...