BBC watch, Honest Reporting, UK Media Watch, Camera – these are all organisations set up to tackle misinformation – in the understanding that bias or non-factual articles in newspapers influence readers. CIF Watch was originally set up just to monitor the Guardian. How many readers did the G...
In many places in the world, children are not allowed to be children. In conflict zones, armed terrorists rampage through towns and slaughter whole families, and Palestinian terrorists have deliberately targeted sites so children would be slaughtered. Pointing the finger at Israel over child killing ...
On the night of January 29 this year, five peasants were delivered into Jinning detention centre, a dark little facility in the province of Yunnan in southwestern China. They were accused of illegal logging, a lucrative sideline for many farmers in this impoverished region. It was a routi...
Every so often the phrase ‘most powerful man in the world’ is bandied about, invariably referring to the American President. Such falsehoods typify the media’s appalling standards but then misleading the public is what it’s all about. The mere notion the President can do as he pleases ...