This calculator uses "surface area" to determine fish stock levelsrather than gallons or litres. This is better than a calculator that uses volume alone, such as the common how many fish per gallon rule. (Reference:The Complete Aquarium by Peter W. Scott.) The surface of your aquarium is ...
Assuming that the souffle is rising at a constant rate, after how many minutes will the souffle rise to 4 1/2 inches over the brim of the dish? How to solve: The non-calculator section may require a certain level of reasoning skills. ...
Want to calculate how many large rocks and pebbles/gravel you’ll need? Here’s a calculator. Place large landscaping rocks along the sides/walls of the third tier (bottom) of your pond. Fill in the flat surfaces with 2″ of river pebbles and an occasional large flat rock to add stabili...
If you don’t have a gram scale on hand, here is an alternate method: Dilute the whole 1 gram packet in 500 ml of RO/DI water. You then dose 50 ml for every 10 gallons of water your tank holds. So a 60 gallon aquarium would be dosed with 300 ml....
Goldfish can grow to be quite big, with some reaching 12 inches in length. Because of their potential size, be careful to provide your goldfish with adequate space. An aquarium for one goldfish should be around 25-30 gallons. Most fish require plants in their aquariums. Goldfish are no diff...
The general rule is that each adult Koi needs a minimum of 250 gallons for each fish. If you have a female capable of spawning, you’re looking at 500 gallons for each female. But bigger is always better.However, it’s highly recommended that you don’t confine Koi to a tank, but ...