I consider that threshold to apply even if they lasted several years if, at the end of it, they ended up killed or imprisoned. 0 0 Reply 1 month CowHorseFrog Re: "learnt many things about how not to run a company" @Double Nearly every action b y western governments doesnt ...
Ayyash is responsible for the death of more than 70 Israelis, yet Ayyash’s Wiki page humanises him. Readers are not told how many people he killed but are informed he was “well educated, ambitious, and soft-spoken”. The page even indirectly blames Israel for his activity by claiming th...
Oil prices always trade in fairly narrow ($20 to $40 price ) bands for decades at a time. Any significant price spikes outside of those bands are short lived. Oil is not going to $150 or $175 or $200 or ridiculously $300 anytime soon,...