So whilesaturated fatcan be healthy when eaten in moderation, trans fats are downright dangerous. Learn the difference between the two, the specific dangers and how to avoid it. What Is Trans Fat? While now banned in the U.S. and many other countries, trans fats used to appear mainly in...
Sugar alcohols, also known aspolyols, occur naturally in fruits but are also used as sweeteners and bulking agents. While they have half to one-third fewer calories than table sugar, sugar alcohols are not well-absorbed and have alaxative effectif consumed in excess.2 These include: Xylitol M...
Because of either misinformation or a lack of information, many teens are under the impression that sex while using birth control is safe sex. The bottom line: There is no pill that protects against sexually transmitted infections, with one notable exception. A medication calledPrEP has been show...