A: Airspaces we fly in are strictly controlled for safety, and if we want to change a flight level, climb or descend, we have to request that from the air traffic controller who knows and also sees all the planes in the area on the radar. Vertical separation between planes has ...
at check-in counters. In addition to Helsinki Airport, there are check-in kiosks at the airports of many of our destinations. Finnair check-in opening hours vary by airport. At Helsinki Airport, Finnair’s check-in is open almost the whole day. The desks open two and a half ...
Budget airlines also offer fewer cabin amenities. This can take many forms, from smaller, lightly padded seats to the absence of free meals andalcoholicbeverages. The typical budget airline offers a basic seat and anything else a passenger wants in-flight can be had for an additional fee. Not...
But all of these small steps combined have made this place a better place for getting around without so many cars. 6/15/2024: I rewrote the last paragraph after a better conclusion popped into my head not long after I woke up Saturday and added a little more explanation of Bike Angels....
The increased focus on the flight crew raises questions about how pilots are screened all around the world.SHARYN ALFONSIJEFF PEGUESMARK ROSENKER
According to the NTSB, an authoritarian dynamic on the flight deck invalidated legitimate concerns raised by crew members and created a catastrophic error chain that could have been broken if all three pilots had an equal voice regarding decision-making. To their credit,United Airlineswas the first...
A year ago as the pandemic tore around the world, it was anyone’s guess when North American airlines would bounce back. At the beginning of a cataclysmic global crisis, passenger carriers cut routes, retired aircraft and shed staff. Now, optimism has re
If you foresee yourself applying for many commercial or airline pilot jobs, consider creating a comprehensive resume that details all your relevant experience, education and skills. You can use your first resume draft as a template and adjust the information you use based on what the job you're...
But one of the biggest challenges in the cabin will be inflight catering. In the early days of the virus, carriers stopped serving food to minimize crew having to walk up and down the aisles. Liddell sees opportunities for robotics and automation inside the cabin to take on many of the ca...
The maindifference between first class and business classdepends on the airline, aircraft, and route. For many carriers, the two have little distinction, especially on shorter flights. However, first class is often a significant step up from business class. ...