The base salaries of F1 drivers are more than enough to make a lifetime living for many of us. But they offer part of whole package. The complicated world of motorsport contracts means that performance-based bonuses can determine a significant portion of the final wage. For instance, Kimi Ra...
官方科普| How Do F1 Drivers Explain F1 邀请现役车手讲解赛车相关问题,配上有意思的动画,足够生动形象包括如何成为一位车手、走线、DRS、Slipstream、Undercut、Understeer/Oversteer、Halo等等 我很喜欢Slipstream的相关动画 L邱超_norman的微博视频 ...
FIT FOR F1: Why nutrition is so important for Formula 1 drivers “The off-season period is crucial,” says Mark. “That’s when you can get most of the work you need to do for the season done and achieve the objectives you have in mind before the season starts. Typical...
FIT FOR F1: The mental preparation drivers need to succeed “Racing is physical and the forces the drivers undergo during the session take a lot out of you, so it’s massively important the body gets enough time to recover from that.” According to Arnall, the first s...
Surviving in the shadows—An economic and empirical discussion about the survival of the non-winning F1 drivers F1 drivers are the (most) visible faces of a F1 team's performance. Good performances ensure a lengthier contract between drivers and teams. Reversely, humble performances may jeopardize...
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How many races have they competed in? Did they compete in F2 or F3? Have they developed a championship winning car? We use this type of data to make each individual’s history and experience drive how they react and respond to the world they live in. This also allows our drivers and ...
F1 is considered the pinnacle of motorsport, with many racing drivers only dreaming about what it might be like to race in the elite series. With only 20 places available on the grid, only the best of the best stand a chance of ever making it to Formula 1, and even fewer still get ...
Press number keys or function keys F1-F9 on the keyboard to select a safe mode. In general situation, you can select[4)Enable Safe Mode]to enter Safe Mode⑩. If you need the network drivers and services to access the Internet and other devices on your network, please select 5)Enable Sa...
FP1 provides an entirely different type of pressure for drivers, explains 2019 vice-champion Latifi: “Running a full-race programme for FP1 has its own kind of challenges. You don't get as many laps, and you are standing in for their usual driver. ...