"Chikara" Episode 1 (2012) Taking place in the aftermath of the Kage Summit, Team Kakashi is sent out on a mission by Tsunade to a location known as "The Hole" to investigate an incident where its people were killed. Regretting that she could not assign more people to the mission bec...
How to help homeless youth suffering from first episode psychosis and substance use disorders? The creation of a new intensive outreach intervention teamFunctional outcomeHousing stabilityPsychotic disorderAddictionYoung adultClinical outcomeFEPIn Canada, about 6,000 youth are homeless every night, many of...
becoming a servant leader, it creates a power inside of you that eliminates ALL of your fear and doubt, and gives you power and ability you may never know exist inside of you until you become a servant leader yourself that leads to the ability to create and live lives that are 100% ...