Many would assume that monitoring tools reduce employee misbehavior. What did your study find? “We found an interesting and counterintuitive finding … generally, employees are more likely to engage in misbehavior because they’ve been monitored. I think the real value-add of our rese...
“Can we be more generous with our time? Can we be more generous to our stakeholders in our supply chain and our employees?” says Bryan. “I think there's a really beautiful future ahead. And I hope Mir is really at the center and pushing kind of the bounds of what a business can...
Whether you have a product to sell or are looking for a profitable idea, this guide walks you through starting a business, from pre-launch to first sale.
Calculating year-over-year (YOY) growth is a vital metric for analyzing long-term business performance. Learn how to calculate it in 3 simple steps.
As businesses look to give employees flexible work spaces, whether on desktops or mobile devices, in the office or out in the field, IT shops have had to scramble over the past decade to consolidate the management of hardware using a single console. With that IT goal in ...
I’ve noticed the same bar staff there year-in, year-out, which tells me they really take care of their employees. So much of how a con feels comes down to service staff. The folks at the Marriott Riverwalk were smooth as silk, taking the time to find me vegetarian food all over ...
The key to success is inspiring employees to understand the change while providing incentives for them to apply their own ingenuity to making it better. 许多公司(包括Adobe)严重低估了向公司内外沟通如此巨大转变的复杂性。虽然困难,但战略性变革与操作执行和以人为本的要素相比相形见绌。成功的关键在于...
I don’t know how to do all this, so my son does it for me. We have to do it so that the pension doesn’t stop.” Rane also mentions hearing rumours that Tata may eventually close the pension scheme for ex-employees and offer a lump sum instead. This rumour follows reports from ...
Driverless vehicle development will change and shape the world more than the internet has. Whether is a semi-autonomous vehicle you're buying tomorrow or an investment your making in new technology, is here to help you navigate our self-dri
Furniture designers have vastly different portfolios from medical designers. Use this standard as a starting block. If you have a specific company in mind, you can look up the current employees. How do the staff members talk about their work? What skills do they most emphasize? This is a gr...