but it also requires a lot of work. All the Emiratis I know who are part of this association also have other jobs. We're not full-time musicians; we lead multifaceted lives,” says Elham. “Perhaps one day, we can transition from our day jobs and bec...
First of all, keep in mind that Dubai is part of the UAE, which is a Muslim country. Although a huge chunk of the population in Dubai are expats and foreign workers, it still adheres to Islamic culture in terms of dress code and social behavior. Dress Code Policy in Dubai Emiratis and...
China has been one of the most popular travel destinations for Emiratis tourists in recent years. Despite the fact China seems to be a very bustling modern country, it reminds a destination steeped in history and culture. Planning a trip to China for the first time can be daunting, but al...
Almost from the moment you arrive in Dubai, you will see men immaculately dressed in white and women in black. This is national dress. There are small variations within the general community, but it is all variations on a theme. Emiratis are very proud to wear their national dress. The w...
The first is Yemen. I reminded our European colleague that in 2018, Emirati forces were making tremendous advances against the Iran-backed Houthi rebels. Indeed, in the summer of that year, the Houthis were on the ropes and the Emiratis were very close to seriously degrading them by cutting...
The reward given to users can depend on the length of the test, the task types, the users, budget and many other things. Try to consider local prices and approximate the hourly wages of the participants. In the UAE, and especially in Dubai, designate a bigger budget for incentives. Also...
Originally, the crown at the top (the space in yellow above the fronds) was planned to be palaces or properties only owned by Emiratis. The outer marinas were originally meant to have yacht clubs. Palm Jebel Ali plans: The entire Palm ...
‘What the UAE means’ At the heart of the Expo volunteer programme are its many Emiratis, eager to welcome the world to their home. Among them is Nouf Omar, a 22-year-old Emirates first officer and pilot. Omar’s interest in the event, she recalls, began when she f...
uaeentrepreneurssmesbloomgrowingemiratis Howtomakeyourentrepreneursbloom:theartofgrowingSMEsintheUAE WheredoesthenewbreedofEmiratientrepreneursfitintoalandscapedominatedby multinationalsandbigfamily-ownedArabbusinesses? NadaalQassimiwastheheadofmediaandmarketingattheDubaiHealthAuthoritywhenthe companyhiredtorunthecampaign...
in their opposition to Assad over the last 12 years. They had not made any overtures towards the Assad regime over the last couple of years while others were, such as the UAE or Jordan. So to see the Saudis follow in the footsteps of the Emiratis and the Jordanians in opening up to ...