And there's so much about our planet that has pulled things from various places, that is now experienced as our galaxy, we truly are made from elements from the universe. That's what we are. And we see ourselves as this little thing, this accident, without placement, without meaning. An...
Stars (especially the big ones) are the most fundamental objects in the universe; they process the elements needed to create life as we know it, and provide the radiation needed to sustain that life so that we may be sitting here today pondering about the meaning of it all.IsraelThese past...
In the 1960s, virology was still a young science, primarily dedicated to basic research. Its clinical relevance was limited. While scientists had been successful in propagating viruses of many major infections in cell cultures, these techniques were suboptimal for diagnosis of most viral diseases. I...
1929–2004) and coworkers, HBV-related HCC tissue is derived from clonal expansion of single cells with one or more chromosomal insertions of truncated or rearranged HBV DNA. Insertions of replication competent HBV genomes were never observed. Some of the integrated HBV DNA elements encoded truncate...
One of the structures that we proposed is recursive, meaning that a story can be composed of many elements. These elements acted as containers for carrying the range of additional pieces of information that contribute to the overall narrative and connect the narrative to a physical object. For ...