Whether you're eating eggs from Rhode Island Reds (commonly brown-egg-laying chickens), White Leghorns (which produce white eggs) or Easter Eggers (which can lay colorful eggs in shades of blue, green and olive), you'll get the same nutrients. ...
Green eggs and ham? This week we collected our first colored egg which means one of our Easter Eggers is now laying! Grace asked if this is where the book Green Eggs and Ham comes from- ha ha! Keep reading November 23, 2021 Cranberry Heat Dip **Repost** It’s another year of my...
From personal experience, I’ve raised three different generations of Easter Eggers and none of them have ever gone broody. This is a very active and curious breed, and my Easter Eggers have always been more interested in exploring and foraging than sitting on a nest. ...
Many people do not know that it is much harder to boil fresh eggs. Normally the eggs that you find in the supermarket are at least a few weeks old if not closer to a month old. Not great for freshness but older eggs are easier to peel. We love boiling eggs for deviled eggs, to p...