California, Texas and Florida report the highest percentage of fatal accidents caused by drunk driving. (NHTSA and Bankrate) In 2022, the 21 to 24 age group accounted for the most alcohol-related traffic deaths. (NHTSA) In 2020, drinking and driving deaths cost around $123.3 billion in me...
still sitting on the floor in front of her mirror where she'd been taking off her makeup the night before.Alexandra, who was home from college for a visit, was having trouble sleeping and made the fatal decision to buy a prescription pain pill on Snapchat, her mother said...
Many foreigners are involved in traffic accidents in Thailand, for the simple reason that they trusted international rules and were not accustomed to the ways in which Thai people drive.Thailand ranks amongst the top of the world for traffic accidents, especially motorcycle accidents. Source: WHO....
It was intended tomirror the warning California drunk drivers getwhen they're convicted of DUI, which was credited with decreasing drunk driving deaths. The Capeloutos named their warning Alexandra's Law. "The big problem with California right now is in order to hold a drug dealer accountable ...
drinking and driving (e.g., using a breathalyzer or blood test) than it is to prove that a driver was not paying attention at a specific time on the road.Footnote1Another problem of assessing the risk of distracted driving is that there are many forms of driving distractions (e.g., ea...
(such as a car crash). Mostlife insurance policies also cover suicideafter a waiting period of one or two years. But your policy usually won’t pay out if you die while committing a crime, including driving drunk or using illegal drugs. Some policies also exclude deaths due to high-risk...
Top 10 Texas Cities With Most Drunk Driving Deaths Drunk driving is a BIG problem in Texas; here are the cities that have the worst problems with drunk driving fatalities in the entire United States starting from the least worst to THE worst according to the van Der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin ...
While many of us believe we are safe drivers, about eight people die in crashes involving a distracted driver every day in the United States. It’s good to understand the high toll of distracted driving and how to stay safe on the road.
Driving Under the Influence (DUI), for instance, is one of the leading causes of road accidents in the US. The NHTSA 2020 data report showed over 11,000 people were killed in auto crashes involving alcohol-impaired drivers. This accounted for 30 percent of all travel-related deaths in the...
10.9 deaths per 100k drivers. High DUI occurrence is to blame as well as the second-highest ratio of distracted driving in the country. 11. OKC, Oklahoma Canva 11. OKC, Oklahoma 12.46 fatalities per 100k. Overall, DUI, distracted driving, and speeding all share equal blame. ...