the Soviet Union was worse than Nazi Germany on nearly all counts. It killed more people than Nazi Germany did bothin Lithuaniaand Eastern Europe as a whole. It persecuted most local ethnic groups far more, banning many things that stayed unbanned during...
Lord Kitchener was in fact an admirer of Grandmaison’s and even as French soldiers were falling in their thousands every day, told his horrified generals New Army divisions should be trained to take positions at bayonet point with no heavy weapon support. Like modern economists the Grandmaison...
The D-Day invasion is significant in history for the role it played in World War II. D-Day marked the turn of the tide for the control maintained by Nazi Germany;
The Jews did not just have a right to self-determination in a state of their own – they had an obvious ethical need. Wherever they had been – antisemitism, anti-Jewish racism had slaughtered them or chased them out. The British mandate did not even set out to divide anyone, but the ...