To solve the question of how many meiotic divisions are required to produce 102 pollen grains, we can follow these steps:1. Understand the Process of Pollen Grain Formation: - Pollen grains are produced from microspore mothe
ale: Figs.2,3a,5, and Supplementary VideoS1. The pronotum has two, lateral ‘dimples’ on each side. The mesothorax is well developed. The scutum and scutellum in divisions are very conspicuous in the mesonotum and the prescutum and narrower in the metathorax. Thoracic pleurae have clea...
During mitosis, many proteins dissociate from chromatin and transcription shuts down. This may favour a silent PRE but challenge an active one. Several PcG and TrxG proteins remain bound to mitotic chromatin and may 'bookmark' silent and active states. Many PcG and TrxG target genes are dynami...
Under stress, the cell responds in various ways to maintain balance. When chemotherapy treated tumor cells are isolated, large numbers of cells die; surviving cells may start an altered cell cycle, capable of generating PGCCs, which follow four phases or other unusual divisions; PGCCs exhibit ...