To see this in action, let us turn to the third text which reveals truth about the filling of the Holy Spirit: Acts 2. Acts 2 begins by saying that on the day of Pentecost, all the disciples were in one place, and they were in one accord. From other similar passages, we know that...
43. the apostles working many miracles, 46. and God daily increasing his church.Study Bible Book ◦ Chapter How is it then that each of usThis phrase reflects the astonishment and confusion of the crowd gathered in Jerusalem for the Feast of Pentecost. The crowd consisted of Jews from ...
Though many Amish have strong convictions about their own faith, they are also generally tolerant of other religious paths. Asserting one’s faith as superior to others would not be considered humble, as Amish do not claim to know God’s will. “Bloom where you’re planted,” summarizes one...
and Peter, James, Paul and other disciples did the same, and all taught their disciples to do the same, along with 1-6 hours a day in Holy Spirit tongues, why not you? So
It is plain as day in the Word of God that before Pentecost and after, the first baptism and the subsequent fillings with the Holy Spirit were received in answer to definite prayer. Experience also teaches this. Doubtless many have received the Holy Spirit the moment of their surrender to ...
Did not Christ tell his disciples that the first should be the servant of all, and the distinguished one like the governed one? 4) In regards to the apparitions of La Salette, Fatima and Lourdes, if one was not there, then how can they be sure it wasn’t the Virgin Mary appearing?
Acts 2 points to the same conclusion. On the Day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit gave the gift of tongues to the disciples, enabling them miraculously to speak the message in other languages. On that day, the day when the Gospel began to go to all nations, an amazing miracle from God hint...
Also He had said to His disciples who formed His Church, "Lo, I am with you always." Then I saw that the very PURPOSE of the Church was to preach Christ's GOSPEL! It is HIS BODY -- His instrument by which HE carries on GOD'S WORK! I looked carefully at that Gospel as ...