The first digit of the area code is a “National Destination Code” (NDC) – a geographic code for a specific region of the country. Stockholm (the capital) is represented by a leading ‘8’ and is the only one digit area code. All other area codes are two to three digits (with the...
The NDC and SN together are collectively called the national (significant) number The combined length of the national (significant) number can't exceed (15-n), where n is the amount of digits in the country code. This allows each country to decide how many digits should be in the national...
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Instead, look up the drug code on an online NDC lookup. This type of 12-digit number is sometimes referred to as a UPN, or Universal Product Number.[3] Although drug codes are always 10 digits long, they may also include hyphens (or spaces), which are not shown in the barcode. ...