If a number has the same number of digits, then you compare these numbers digit by digit beginning with the digit which is in the highest place value.A step-by-step guide to comparing numbers up to a billionHere’s a step-by-step guide on how to compare numbers up to a bil...
[Note: Also, by multiplying the trillion value by1000, we can convert a trillion to a billion.] Rapid Recall Solved Examples on Converting Million, Billion & Trillion Example 1: The annual income of Temperate Springs, a company that makes carpets, is $2 million. Can you find how many bi...
One billion two and three-fourth million five hundred six is added to six million fifty-four thousand three hundred twenty-one. How many digits in the sum are twos? A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4 E) 5 What percentage of 4.76 trillion dollars is 118 billion dollars?
1 million can be expressed in exponential form as well. 1000, 000 = \(1~\times~10^6 \) Place Value Chart The value of each digit in a number can be determined using a place value chart. In order to determine the value of the various digits in a number, we need to place the ...
How to Write Numbers in Words Before we get into the rules for writing out numbers, let's review how to write out numbers, with words and in numerical digits. For numbers one through 20, we simply spell out the word. 1: one 7: seven 15: fifteen We can also do this for ...
Q4. How many digits is a Bank Identification Number? Ans. The first four or six digits of a credit card are referred to as a bank identification number (BIN). These numbers identify the issuing financial institution. Moreover, the bank identification number is a security measure to protect ...
Discover how to order and compare numbers up to one billion. Explore the symbols for comparisons, how to compare numbers to determine which value is larger, and how to perform comparisons when the number of digits differs between the numbers compared. ...
If the tenth place value is 5 or greater, the digit in the one's place increases by one, and the digits in the tenth place become 0. Example - Convert 5.7 into a whole number. In 5.7, analyse the digit at the tenth place. Here 7 is more than 5. Therefore, we have to round ...
How many 3-digit numbers are formed by the digits 2,3,5,6,7 and 9, such as to be divided by 5 and having no digit repeat?Fundamental Theorem of Multiplication:The fundamental theorem of multiplication is important in calculating the nu...
The number above has 64 digits. As you probably noticed, that number consists not just of numbers but also letters. Why is that? The decimal system uses factors of 100 as its base (e.g., 1% = 0.01). This, in turn, means that every digit of a multi-digit number has 100 possibiliti...