What are the different types of stories? There are many different kinds of stories. The seven basic plot types are: Overcoming the monster Rags to riches The quest Voyage and return Rebirth Comedy Tragedy What makes a story good? Everyone has their own preferences for what they like in a st...
While all plots have a set structure, they can have many shapes or arcs. These arcs can be visualized in a plot diagram, like those below. Plot Diagram Definition A plot diagram is a visual representation of a story on an axis. Here are five of the most common story arcs, visualized i...
A plot’s purpose is to give a story structure. In many ways, it’s what makes a storya story.Think about what happens if you try to tell a story with no characters: The narrator, parts of the setting, and even the readers become the story’s characters. Similarly, you can’t real...
Note that many people include thefalling actionin their dramatic structure. I don’t include it because I believe the term “falling action” to be misleading and really only appropriate for Freytag’s narrow definition of the tragic, Icarus structure, not a modern three-act story structure. Yo...
Many novels have twisting plots, so some hint of this in their blurb can captivate readers. Non-fiction work can make a reader fascinated in a subject they previously knew nothing about. Case in point: Comanches: The Destruction of a People by T.R...
Plot is driven byconflict. Until the characters in a story have a problem to solve, there is no story, simply description. A story begins when characters face a conflict between what they want or need and the obstacles that keep them from having it. A story ends when the problem is some...
There are no rules - only make it interesting. That said, because the form is more compressed, it's important to condense exposition and make every line of the story count towards its overarching themes and ideas. We have a post on writing short stories here you may find illustrative: ...
At Venngage, we’ve developed the ICCOR method to help you choose the best charts for your infographic.There are two steps to making the ICCOR method work for you: Determine your visualization goal Choose the best chart to achieve that goal ...
These two ingredients will be scattered throughout the story, but you should especially look for the one at the beginning of the story. There are also many different types of trials and obstacles, including: Internal Struggles:Protagonists often grapple with internal conflicts such as self-doubt,...
You see, there are two ways you can figure out the patterns that stories take—the different types of stories. You can start with stories themselves: looking through hundreds or even thousands until you get to four, seven, twelve, or even thirty-six master plots. This is what Christopher ...